Benjamin Franklin lär ha skrivit följande om vin i ett brev.
…a constant proof that God loves us, and loves to see us happy.”
Skribenten är något av en vinentusiast själv och gillar ryggdunk av celebriteter i fråga om det intresset. Någon kanske säger att alkohol inte är särskilt nyttigt, rent ut av farligt.
I ansedda The Lancet [länk] kan man hitta följande text angående en WHO-studie om alkohol:
Increasing levels of alcohol use are associated with increasing levels of risk of illness and mortality,5, 6 leading to the question of whether a safe level of alcohol consumption that is associated with zero risk of health consequences can be defined. To identify a safe level of alcohol consumption, scientific evidence is required to show the absence of increased risk of illness or injury associated with alcohol consumption at and below that level. Some, but not all, studies have suggested that light alcohol consumption could have a small protective effect, as measured by the risk of some cardiovascular diseases or type 2 diabetes.7, 8 Some studies show the existence of such effects on certain types of cardiovascular diseases in middle-aged and older people
Så njut av det där vinglaset som rosett kring arbetsveckan på fredagskvällen. Men kom ihåg, lagom är bäst.